Tarrah Young runs Green Being Farm in Neustadt, ON with her husband Nathan Carey. The farm is devoted to embodying organic and humane principles while remaining economically viable.
Vegetable production on the farm is devoted to supplying members of their Community Supported Agriculture program, which operates in the winter only. Members receive high quality storage crops and hardy greens along with a healthy dose of food and farm education. In 2009 they converted their swimming pool to a root cellar which now serves as the backbone of their winter CSA program, along with their passive solar greenhouse.
Green Being Farm also produces and direct markets pastured pork, poultry,eggs, and grassfed lamb, with a mandate of raising animals in a way that does not compromise their dignity of that of the environment.
Tarrah holds a degree in Environmental Biology from the University of Guelph, and acts an instructor for both FarmStart and Georgian College, where she teaches both aspiring and existing farmers. She also runs seminars for consumers designed to help them understand better understand farming and food systems.